Monday, November 29, 2010

Long Time

Well, it's been a long time since I actually posted something on here...mainly because my life is generally pretty boring with nothing too exciting to type to the 3 people reading this. But, Sally called me out on not updating, so here I am.
Grown-up life has been crazy the past couple of months. Kate got married and her wedding was beautiful and so, so fun.
Hard to believe one big girl got married ANDDD the other one got engaged! Anna and Will get married April 2 and I'm also super excited for that event. Their wedding will be epic in the sense that they share all of the same friends from high school, so it will be a giant reunion of sorts. Craziness will ensue, I'm sure.
Obligatory Throwback Pic:
It seems like in the past couple of months a lot of people have returned to Athens to visit. I wonder how many people would come back to visit if the Dawgs were actually good. I love visitors for multiple reasons. First, there's the obvious having fun and hanging out factor. It's so fun to have everyone back in the city where we spent our "glory days." Next, I love having visitors because it typically equals a Sunday Brunch opportunity. Mama's Boy is cropping up on my bank statement quite frequently these days. We branched out this past weekend and had Last Resort Brunch and it was beyond delicious. Solari and I had 1 and 1/2 breakfasts and it was a fabulous decision. And finally (people make fun of me for this, but it's true), I love having visitors because I love having spend the night parties like old times (Kotsko, you fail on this one because you never spend the night at my house). I also have an absurd amount of towels that I've collected over the years (way too many for just myself, but I can't throw away a good towel), so when I have visitors in town it gives me a huge sense of accomplishment to be able to provide everyone with towels.

Our house is decorated for the holidays complete with stockings for Davis and Colby. Despite the fact that I won't be in Athens for Christmas, I feel very strongly that my house needs to have a real Christmas tree. I'm all about Frasier Fir Christmas Trees. This is probably because that is the type of tree I grew up with...but clearly they are the best tree. Strong scent, sturdy branches for contest against the Douglas Fir. If you feel led to visit Athens in the month of December, just drive towards the Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation looking house. Our front porch is a colorful wonderland.
Happy Holidays to my 3 fabulous readers!