Friday, June 17, 2011

Change is good, right?

Hi Everyone,
Long time, huh? I like to tell myself I had major life events getting in the way of blogging, but let's be real...I was slacking. I have so much to catch you up on that I don't even know where to start. First things first. In early April, Melissa and I traveled to San Francisco for my spring break. What an amazing city. I'm not sure if it was when we were biking across the golden gate bridge on the most beautiful day (on a tandem bicycle), or if it was navigating our way through the Castro to find dinner, or if it was watching Melissa beat some middle aged male New Yorkers in golf at Pebble Beach, or if it was enjoying fine dining in the ritzy town of Carmel, or if it was driving down highway 1 with the windows open and music blaring, that I realized that being in California feels like being in another country. Kind of like going to New Orleans. It is just so fun and so far from what my day to day life is like that I felt like I was in a whirlwind adventure.
When I returned from California, it was time to close out the school year while applying for jobs like a mad woman. Time to finish IEP season, get kids ready for "big" Pre-K and send some others off to Kindergarten. It was time to pack up my room and give "my babies" one last goodbye. I have been with some of these kids for 3 years (their whole time in school). I anticipated that saying goodbye would be hard, but I didn't think I would lose it quite as much as I did. People kept telling me that "I was crying because I cared so much." While I think this is true, I also think I was being selfish. I can't imagine my life without these kids in it. My question is....does this get better over time? Or am I going to boo-hoo like a 2 year old every time I have to say goodbye to a group of kids? I am going to account the major transitional phase that is about to occur in my life as a large part of why I sobbed saying goodbye (only to have my kids look at me funny and not want to hug me....).
But no goodbyes until I participated in (and lost) a relay race:
I am so, so, so, so beyond grateful for my wonderful experiences at OCPS. Not only did I learn SO much, but I worked with the most amazing people. Thank goodness for facebook so that I can stay up to date (ahem...stalk) their lives.

The next major steps were finding a job and a place to live. It is too complicated to get into the logistics, but in the end, after 3 rounds of interviews and 1 model lesson, I got the job I've been wanting for quite some time now. I will be a special ed. preschool teacher at The Atlanta Speech School. I am diving into a whole new realm and I am verrrry excited. I start pre-planning August 15 (begin: longest summer ever) and the kids come August 24. On top of the job, another great thing happened. My dear friend from college Kate got a new job with Teach For America. After a day of apartment hunting we found what we think is the perfect apartment in Inman Park. It is ten minutes from my job and ten minutes from Kate's TFA offices.
Perfect? Yes.
It's moments like this when I feel like my mom is pulling every string she can up there. I'm not a person who just has things "work out" for them. But in this instance, things just worked (knock on wood...we haven't moved in yet). And while I know she was pulling strings in every direction, it was the moment I got my job that was indescribably bittersweet. I couldn't call the one person I wanted to tell the most. I had happiness mixed with the realization that when big things happen the rest of my life, all I can do is look up, blow my mom a kiss and say thank you. Now, onto more life changes. As of this past dad officially sold Mike's Chicago Hot Dogs. He sold it to a former employee who knows the ropes and will hopefully be very successful. I am anxious (literally) to see what is in store next for my dad. I know he will figure out something perfect for him. We all knew that it was time to close the door on the hot diggity dog business, so that is one huge burden taken away. We were all extremely shocked at how quickly Mike's sold. Who would have thought that in the drastically crappy economy people would want to own a hot dog restaurant. Again....Queen pulling strings? Yes.

I think it's safe to say my new roomie and I will have plenty of pics to decorate our apartment:

We leave this Thursday to go to Vermont and Maine for 2 weeks. First stop is Vermont for a cousin's wedding and the next stop is Maine for fun. We got Nancy a whale watching trip (apparently she loves to me) for her birthday, so send good vibes for whale sightings. I think it would be a major letdown to go on a whale watching trip and not see a whale.

After our New England travels, it's back to Athens to pack up and move to Atlanta. My Aunt referred to this as "The Great Transition." I think it is fitting and I think I'm ready.
New job. New city (kind of). New apartment. Ready, set, go.
Shortly after I get back, it will also be time to celebrate Amy's Wedding!! Quite the epic reunion will ensue (I'm sure of it) in Athens so I know everyone will have a blast celebrating Amy and Keith.

Phew. I hope you all feel slightly caught up on my daily whereabouts. Not that you were really that interested anyways....
This was pretty dull, but there was just so much to say. I hope this finds you all safe and happy.