Tuesday, September 21, 2010

List of Reasons Why I am Not Yet an Adult...

1) I don't like coffee. I want to like coffee, but I just can't stand the taste. It just seems like flavored water to me. Oh wait, that's all it really is. Instead of coffee, I drink cran-apple. Every morning, never fails. I might as well be 5.
2) I don't read the newspaper. Major flaw. Wish I did...but a) I don't subscribe and b) Let's just be honest. I don't actually read it online.
3) Sometimes, I oversleep. It happened once last week (for the first time) and it was horrible. I managed to turn off not 1, not 2, but all 3 of my alarms* and woke up at 7:15 (side note: I usually try to arrive at school by 6:45). Somehow...I made it to school by 7:30 (and school is 10 minutes away). I may or may not have brushed my teeth at school. I was later told that in that situation, you are just supposed to call and say you'll be 15 minutes late. An adult would have known that. But an awkward 23 year old scared of being late to a real person job...clueless.
3*) I have to set 3 alarms to wake up in the mornings.
4) I don't make my bed anymore. Last year, when I lived in my giant and wonderful house (see below), I did make my bed every morning. The West Lake Court house just had an aura about it that said "Abby, you live in a fancy house, you must make your bed." I love my house now, but it definitely does not have an aura telling me to make my bed. So I don't.
5) I lock my keys in my car. It only took me 3 times of locking them in my car and 3 phone calls to AAA (one of the many reasons my mother says everyone should be a AAA member) to learn that I need to have a spare key accessible at all times.
6) Speaking of my mother...I call my mom all. the. time. I feel like there is a point in life where people/adults don't call their mom everyday. But I just have so many important life questions. Bank statements that I don't understand, insurance that I don't understand, retirement money (what?! why, why, why now?!) that I probably will never receive because I don't understand and most likely filled the form out incorrectly, TAXES (to which she told me just to hire someone), questions about bugs that I swear invaded my couch and are biting my legs (how to get rid of them?!), suggestions for why I can't sleep, what to cook for a particular event, etiquette for the aforementioned particular event, gift ideas, craft ideas, school projects (how to make play-doh and bubbles), how to return something that I'm not even sure is returnable. The list is literally endless....
7) I cannot cook a legitimate meal without calling my dad for help. Having an executive chef for a father has it's perks (including delicious meals) so I frequently call him in panic mode regarding ounces, quarts, ratios, and what on earth are scallions and why can I not find them anywhere in Publix?
8) My car has a name. Maxine the Maxima. I don't think people actually refer to their car by a name when they "grow up."
9) At the moment, I am 100% too selfish to be an adult. I love that I only have to think about myself and what I want to do.
10) In order to combat actually becoming an adult...I keep traveling all the time. People keep telling me that I have to now or I never will. This is not real life though.
Here's to just being a grown-up but not a REAL grown-up:

1 comment:

  1. I love the reasons you call your mom! That's what moms are for in the first place! Honestly now that you've typed that I feel like it should be a book. Things I Call My Mom For. The sequel... Things I Call My Dad For. Concept: The book could be filled with phone conversations between parent and child.

    That may not be as interesting as I thought... I don't know. Whatever.

    Anyway loving this blog (side note: I am on a blog kick!).
